Due to new demand from all over the world following the technique videos Be did with Hannah Morris - Be has now taken her coaching online and is offering remote coaching every week
As much as it is easier to teach face to face Be has developed an effective way to analyse videos and teach remotely
Typically these Zoom video calls last a minimum of 1 hour to ensure enough time to discuss the analysed videos and options moving forward
Be coaches anybody and everybody who is enthusiastic and keen to learn and enjoys coaching beginners just as much as world class athletes. Her philosophy is the sooner you master efficient movement patterns, the sooner you will reach your potential as a climber
Be personalises each session to the needs of the individual so no two are the same but most sessions follow the following format
Be asks that you send a minimum of the following videos (via Signal) for her to analyse before the session
1. A basic warm up traverse or circuit on progressively smaller foot holds (at least 1 minute of footage)
2. A slab, a vertical and a steep overhang boulder problem - all within your on-sight grade
3. A few attempts on a project of your choice
4. A Pull up and a Push up - demonstrating the best form you can with the use of resistant bands / assistance if necessary
You will go through Be’s findings from the videos and go over the techniques that will help you improve the foundations of your climbing, including some tips and drills for ongoing improvement.
This analysis will include Be’s ‘Pyramid Theory’ and ‘Feet, Hips, Hands’ scanning process.
The remainder of the session will be used to ensure you are clear on your goals and where you want to take your climbing. This can then help us tailor your future sessions around your specific needs and create a 12 week training plan if desired.
£110 per hour