This is where it all began - I offered my friends Hannah and Nathan a profiling assessment at Volume 1 just before we re-opened from lock down… we had fun and the rest is history!
Here you can see how my profiling assessments work and the information I gather to write your training plans.
This video is ‘access all areas’ content to mine and Hannah’s first coaching session together - we look at her movement and technique based on my findings from her profiling assessment (see first video)
In this video you can see how we use what we learnt in lesson 1 on the technique board and transfer it onto climbs around the centre.
In this video Hannah filmed me having a session - from warm up to projecting near my limit!
You can see how I practice what I preach and how it helps me unlock climbs.
One of my favourite warm ups for climbing that can increase mobility for long term climbing gains.
This video I made during lockdown to help those like me with only access to a fingerboard to train.
I provide information on different training intensities to suit your climbing goals.